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Part 1: Teach Like a Champion – The Essential Techniques

  1. Setting High Academic Expectations:

    • Key Techniques:

      • No Opt Out: Ensure students can’t opt out of answering questions by cycling back to them after providing the correct answer.

      • Right Is Right: Only accept completely correct answers to reinforce high standards.

      • Stretch It: Push students to explain their answers or think more deeply about the content.

      • Format Matters: Emphasize the importance of correct grammar, structure, and style in students' responses.

      • Without Apology: Teach challenging content confidently, without apologizing or downplaying its difficulty.

  2. Planning That Ensures Academic Achievement:

    • Key Techniques:

      • Begin with the End: Start lesson planning by defining the desired outcomes.

      • 4 Ms: Objectives should be measurable, manageable, made first, and most important.

      • Post It: Display objectives clearly in the classroom.

      • Shortest Path: Teach in the most direct and efficient way possible.

      • Double Plan: Plan for what both the teacher and students will be doing at each step.

      • Draw the Map: Plan and visualize the physical movements of both teacher and students.

  3. Structuring and Delivering Your Lessons:

    • Key Techniques:

      • The Hook: Capture students’ attention at the beginning of a lesson.

      • Name the Steps: Break down complex tasks into specific, manageable steps.

      • Circulate: Move around the classroom to engage with students and maintain classroom control.

      • Break It Down: Decompose complex ideas into smaller, more understandable parts.

      • Ratio: Shift the balance of work so students do more of the thinking.

      • Check for Understanding: Continuously assess student understanding and adjust teaching accordingly.

  4. Engaging Students in Your Lessons:

    • Key Techniques:

      • Cold Call: Call on students regardless of whether they have raised their hands to maintain engagement.

      • Call and Response: Use group responses to reinforce learning and keep students attentive.

      • Pepper: Ask a quick series of questions to reinforce learning.

      • Wait Time: Give students time to think before answering.

      • Everybody Writes: Have students write responses to ensure participation.

      • Vegas: Include moments of excitement or surprise to maintain energy.

  5. Creating a Strong Classroom Culture:

    • Key Techniques:

      • Entry Routine: Establish routines for entering the classroom to set the tone for learning.

      • Do Now: Start with an activity that students can do immediately upon entering the classroom.

      • Tight Transitions: Ensure smooth, quick transitions between activities.

      • SLANT: Encourage students to sit up, listen, ask and answer questions, nod their heads, and track the speaker with their eyes.

      • On Your Mark: Prepare students to begin work quickly and efficiently.

      • Props: Use positive reinforcement to acknowledge student effort and achievement.

  6. Setting and Maintaining High Behavioral Expectations:

    • Key Techniques:

      • 100 Percent: Expect 100% compliance from students with instructions.

      • What to Do: Give clear, specific instructions to guide student behavior.

      • Strong Voice: Use a calm, assertive voice to command attention and maintain authority.

      • Do It Again: Have students repeat tasks until they meet expectations.

      • Sweat the Details: Pay attention to small details to maintain a disciplined environment.

      • Threshold: Greet students at the door to set the tone for the class.

      • No Warnings: Enforce rules consistently without giving warnings.

  7. Building Character and Trust:

    • Key Techniques:

      • Positive Framing: Phrase corrections and feedback in a positive way.

      • Precise Praise: Give specific, meaningful praise to reinforce good behavior.

      • Warm/Strict: Be both caring and firm to maintain a balance of discipline and support.

      • The J-Factor: Bring joy into the classroom to motivate and engage students.

      • Emotional Constancy: Maintain a calm, steady emotional demeanor.

      • Explain Everything: Ensure students understand the reasons behind rules and expectations.

      • Normalize Error: Teach students that making mistakes is a natural part of learning.

  8. Improving Your Pacing:

    • Additional Techniques:

      • Change the Pace: Vary the pace of lessons to maintain interest and focus.

      • Brighten Lines: Clearly delineate transitions between activities.

      • All Hands: Ensure that all students are engaged and participating.

      • Every Minute Matters: Maximize instructional time.

      • Look Forward: Keep students looking forward to what’s coming next.

      • Work the Clock: Use time strategically to motivate and guide students.

  9. Challenging Students to Think Critically:

    • Additional Techniques:

      • One at a Time: Encourage students to focus on one idea or problem at a time.

      • Simple to Complex: Progress from simple to complex tasks to build understanding.

      • Verbatim: Ensure students answer questions exactly as asked.

      • Clear and Concise: Teach students to communicate clearly and concisely.

      • Stock Questions: Use a set of prepared questions to probe deeper into student understanding.

      • Hit Rate: Focus on increasing the percentage of correct student responses.

Part 2: Helping Students Get the Most Out of Reading

  1. How All Teachers Can (and Must) Be Reading Teachers:

    • Overview: Emphasizes the importance of reading across all subjects and provides techniques for improving students’ reading comprehension and fluency.

  2. The Fundamentals: Teaching Decoding, Vocabulary Development, and Fluency:

    • Overview: Covers foundational reading skills, such as decoding words, building vocabulary, and developing reading fluency.

  3. Comprehension: Teaching Students to Understand What They Read:

    • Overview: Focuses on strategies for improving students’ reading comprehension, including questioning techniques and discussion prompts.

Conclusion: The End Is the Beginning

  • Summary: Reinforces the idea that the techniques in the book are tools to be used in a teacher’s ongoing journey to master their craft. Continuous practice, reflection, and refinement are key to becoming a champion teacher.

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