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  • Introduction to Integrity:

    • Define integrity as the adherence to moral and ethical principles, coupled with consistency in actions and values.

    • Explain that integrity involves doing the right thing, even when no one is watching, and being true to oneself and others.


Slide 2: What Does the Value Mean?


  • Understanding Integrity:

    • Integrity means being honest and having strong moral principles that you follow consistently.

    • It’s about making decisions based on what is right and just, rather than what is easy or beneficial in the short term.

    • Discuss how integrity is rooted in Catholic teachings, reflecting the importance of living a virtuous life.


Slide 3: Examples of the Value


  • Real-Life Examples of Integrity:

    • Share stories of individuals known for their integrity, such as St. Augustine, who sought truth and lived by it despite challenges.

    • Mention situations in school life where integrity is important, such as standing up for what is right, even when it’s unpopular.

    • Use examples from the news or history where integrity played a crucial role, such as leaders who made ethical choices that shaped history.


Slide 4: Why Do We Need This Value?


  • The Importance of Integrity:

    • Explain that integrity builds trust and respect, which are the foundations of all relationships and communities.

    • Discuss how integrity leads to a strong and honorable character, which is essential for personal and professional success.

    • Highlight the consequences of a lack of integrity, such as loss of trust, damaged reputations, and the breakdown of relationships.


Slide 5: Examples of How This Value Can Apply to Us on a Daily Basis


  • Applying Integrity in Daily Life:

    • Encourage students to practice integrity in their daily lives by making decisions that align with their values.

    • Discuss the importance of being true to one's word, keeping promises, and standing by one's principles.

    • Suggest ways to show integrity in school, such as being fair in competition, honest in academics, and respectful in interactions.


Slide 6: Add Final Thoughts on the Value


  • Final Reflection:

    • Emphasize that integrity is not just a value, but a way of life that leads to trust, respect, and true success.

    • Encourage students to see integrity as a guiding principle that will help them navigate life’s challenges with honor.


Slide 7: Conclusion or Takeaway


  • Conclusion:

    • Summarize the key points: integrity as adherence to moral principles, consistency in values, and its importance in building trust.

    • Challenge students to live with integrity, making choices that reflect their true values and beliefs.

    • End with a quote about integrity, such as "Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching."

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