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Effective Use of the Tutor PowerPoint: A Guide for Staff and Form Tutors

The role of a form tutor is both rewarding and challenging. With so much to keep track of, it's essential to have a tool that can help streamline tasks and ensure consistency across the school. The Tutor PowerPoint is designed to be a one-stop shop for all the key information needed each week. By effectively using this tool, tutors can make their role easier, ensure students are well-informed, and contribute to a positive school culture.

1. Understanding the Purpose of the Tutor PowerPoint


The Tutor PowerPoint is more than just a collection of slides; it's a vital resource that supports the daily functioning of your tutor group. It provides all the necessary information for the week, ensuring that you don’t have to rely on memory alone. This tool helps in driving consistency, sharing school successes, and developing the culture and environment we all strive to work in.


2. Structure of the Tutor PowerPoint

Each week, the PowerPoint is structured to include the following key elements:

  • Weekly Headteacher comment: The Headteacher's Message or School Focus section is an important part of the tutor PowerPoint, providing a space for the Headteacher to share key messages, school-wide focuses, or reflections on important themes, including religious or moral elements.

  • Weekly Gospel (if appropriate): A reading that allows for discussion and reflection, fostering a sense of community and shared values among students.

  • School Prayer (if appropriate) : An opportunity for students to reflect and pray, promoting spiritual development and mindfulness.

  • Room Changes: Up-to-date information on room changes to ensure students know where to go, reducing confusion and tardiness.

  • Key Information on Events and Opportunities: Details on upcoming events and opportunities that students should be aware of, ensuring they don’t miss out on important experiences.

  • Sporting Fixtures and School Successes: Updates on sporting events and celebrating achievements to boost school spirit and recognition.

  • Behaviour Leaderboards: Recognition of students with the most positive points on the system you use and those with the highest points in each tutor group, encouraging positive behaviour.

  • Weekly Key Behaviour Focus: Reminders on behavioural expectations, reinforcing the school's standards.

  • Uniform Reminders: Ensuring consistency in uniform standards across the school.

  • Numeracy or Literacy Challenge: Activities designed to build confidence in essential skills, contributing to academic success.

  • Votes for Schools Activity: Engaging students in national debates on topical issues, giving them a voice in wider societal discussions.

  • Bullying Materials and E-Safety Documents: Resources to keep students safe, informed, and aware of how to protect themselves and others.

  • BBC Newsround Links: Access to current affairs, helping students stay informed about the world around them.

3. How to Use the Tutor PowerPoint Effectively

To get the most out of the Tutor PowerPoint, follow these steps:

  • Review Ahead of Time: Spend a few minutes each week reviewing the PowerPoint before your session. This will help you become familiar with the content and plan how to deliver it effectively.

  • Engage with Each Section: Don’t just read through the slides—engage with them. Encourage students to discuss the weekly gospel, participate in the numeracy or literacy challenge, and share their thoughts during the Votes for Schools activity.

  • Tailor Your Approach: While consistency is key, consider how you can tailor the delivery to suit your group’s needs. For example, if your students are particularly interested in sports, spend a little more time on the sporting fixtures and successes.

  • Encourage Reflection and Participation: Use the school prayer and the weekly gospel to encourage reflection. Engage students in discussions about the key behaviour focus and uniform reminders, making these sessions interactive.

  • Celebrate Success: Take time to highlight the achievements shown in the behaviour leaderboards and sporting successes. This not only boosts morale but also reinforces positive behaviour.

  • Link to Broader Learning: Where possible, link the content of the PowerPoint to broader learning goals. For instance, use the numeracy or literacy challenge as a springboard for further exploration in these areas.

4. Additional Tips for Maximising Impact

  • Create a Routine: Establish a consistent routine where students know what to expect each week. This familiarity will help them engage more effectively with the content.

  • Foster a Positive Environment: Use the PowerPoint as a tool to build a positive, supportive environment in your tutor group. Recognise achievements, address concerns, and promote open communication.

  • Seek Feedback: Periodically, ask your students for feedback on how the sessions are going. This can provide valuable insights into what is working well and what might need adjusting.

  • Collaboration: Work with other tutors to share best practices on using the PowerPoint. Collaboration can lead to new ideas and improvements in how the tool is used across the school.

The Tutor PowerPoint is an essential resource designed to support you in your role as a form tutor. By using it effectively, you can ensure that your students are well-informed, engaged, and supported throughout the school year. This tool not only helps with the day-to-day management of your tutor group but also contributes to the overall consistency and positive culture of the school.

Remember, the key to success is preparation, engagement, and consistency. Make the most of this resource, and your role as a form tutor will become easier and more impactful.

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